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Jerusalem Tour Dates



Rougemont Gardens

Tues 27 - Sat 31 May 8pm

BSL Interpreted performance - Thurs 29 May

Featuring live music  from:
27th May: Jerry Cahill
, Kevin Spiers, Marc Woodward, Moonshine Serenaders

28th May: Simon Webb, Alan Hooper, Greg Hancock, My Black Hat
29th May: Josie Lloyd, Chris Billings , Kevin Spiers, Barnstormers

30th May: Jerry Cahill, Simon Webb, Sam Newman, Moonshine Serenaders
31st May: Troubadours, My Black Hat, Sam Newman, F.I.S.H




Knackershole Barn, West Knowle

Fri 6 June 8pm



Torre Abbey, The King’s Drive

Sat 7 June 8pm

Featuring live entertainment from:
12 Noon: iOrchestra - a virtual orchestra installation at Torre Abbey Meadow
12 Noon: Flying Colours Exhibition in the Spanish Barn




Glimsters Farm

Fri 13 June 8pm

Featuring live entertainment from:
6pm: Simon Webb, The Boys From Melbourne Street, Jerry Cahill and the

Barnstormers Ceilidh Band



Community Centre

Sat 14 June 8pm




The Sentry

Fri 20 June 8pm

From 6pm: A Fortune Teller and the chance to purchase tickets for a raffle with a difference:  to coincide with this visit of Jerusalem the promoters (Green Hill Arts and Heritage Centre) have recreated the role of honorary Sheriff* of the town - it will be awarded as top prize in the raffle, on the night.
There will also be: Acoustic, rock and blues music by The Session Band, and introducing local young talent We 3.

Michael Howard's Dartmoor-famed Hog Roast
Delicious lip-smackingly good Caribbean food by Fancy That - catering  for both veggies and carnivores
The Lemon Jelli Van, a fifty year old Citroen H van, renowned for barista made Origin Coffee, quality sweet and savoury crepes, speciality teas, shakes, smoothes and unique soft drinks.
A licensed bar selling locally brewed Dartmoor Brewery beer and soft drinks.



Coombe Trenchard

Sat 21 June 8pm


Featuring live entertainment from:
5:30pm Winkleigh Morris Dancers, Josie Lloyd, The Troubadour Garden
and The Pack Horse Singers
 Fresh, local and exciting Street food supplied by The Cauldron. Camper coffee serving fresh Barrista coffee and Willies Ice Cream. There will be also bea variety of stalls selling craft items, art and honey.
Steam engines and a vintage car  will be on site as well as a Skittles Alley supported by the local Young Farmers.
A raffle with some enticing prizes will be on offer, supporting Tavistock Memory Café.

A bar will also be available on site.



Hannah’s at Seale-Hayne

Sun 22 June 7.45pm



Shobrooke Park

Sat 28 June 8pm

Featuring live entertainment from:
6pm: Mummers Play by Brown Paper Bag







Ticket Information


Tickets: £10

Exeter Fri & Sat Party Nights: £12

Concs: £2 off

Age: 14yrs+


Available Via

Box Office: 01392 493 493* *

and through community locations


*A £2 fee aplies to all payments over £10 made
by card or cheque.

Jerusalem Tour Map

(Click for more info)

Map doesn't include Knackerhole Barn, Dulverton.

Please email for details.

© 2013 by The Common Players. 

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